Happy Living

Keeping Sane – Studying at Home

Lockdown 2.0 is upon us – we may not know how long this will last, when we will next see our friends and what normal life will look like, post covid.

But we’ve got to keep going – uni deadlines keep coming and you can’t hibernate for a month.

So here are a few ways to stay sane and stay focussed this November:

  1. If you’re now studying at home, you might find it difficult to motivate towards uni/work goals. I lose track of time, so I’ve printed out a month calender to keep track of deadlines and also social events (even though they’re limited right now, it’s mainly sending socially-distanced birthday presents!)
  2. On your marks, get set, BAKE! Sometimes you need to close the laptop and pick up the spatula! Anybody who knows me knows I love a fruit bake. So feel seasonal and mix up fruit & cinnamon! Successes so far – plum cake & apple tarts (shop-bought puff pastry of course!). My favourite – why not try a Dorset Apple Traybake? It’s delicious 🍏
  3. It’s the little things that make a big difference. You may be stuck in the same four walls but with some new bedding, a candle or even a little sort out, things can feel fresh again!

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